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[Zhejiang Yiheng Teaching Aid] How high desks and chairs should children of different heights sit?

Desks and chairs are necessary teaching aids for schools. Improper desks and chairs are easy to distract students and affect learning, and are closely related to the formation of spinal abnormalities and the occurrence of myopia. Today, Zhejiang Yiheng teaching aids will share with you the golden ratio of desks, chairs and height.

Teenagers are in a period of rapid growth and their height changes rapidly. Schools should equip students with appropriate desks and chairs every school year, and use the same desks and chairs as much as possible. For fat students, determine the appropriate ones according to their height Class chair model, and then select a larger model desk from the class chair model.
The arrangement of desks and chairs requires that the short desks and chairs in the classroom are at the front and the tall ones are at the back. No less than 2.2 meters. The horizontal distance between the rear edge of the last desk and the blackboard in front should not be greater than 9.0 meters in middle schools and 8.0 meters in primary schools.
Zhejiang Yiheng teaching aids, welcome to inquire and customize all types of desks and chairs!

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