Service Hotline:
Laboratory Management System

  First, the laboratory is a place for teachers and students to carry out experimental teaching, which should be dedicated to special rooms and not engage in other activities.

  Second, the laboratory should have personnel (concurrently) management, the implementation of management personnel responsibility system.

  Third, the laboratory equipment according to the classification number, positioning storage, layout specifications, display beautiful, neat and clean, good dust, moisture, pressure, anti-extrusion, deformation, heat, sunscreen, non-magnetic, shockproof and other work.

  IV. The receiving, borrowing and returning of instrument and equipment must be through the management personnel, the registration formalities must be handled, and the equipment intact condition shall be checked and school borrowed; must be approved by the supervisor of the school and checked by the management and returned on time.

  Five, cherish the equipment, maintenance, timely maintenance, good anti-rust, anti-corrosion, pest control, mold and other work, so that equipment is always in good condition.

  VI. Establish and perfect the system of instrument and equipment and experiment teaching file, properly keep the instrument books, use the Register of the product specification, and the record of the experiment.

  Seven, strictly according to the relevant safety rules operating experiments, do a good job of safe electricity, fire, anti-theft, anti-virus, explosion-proof, anti-pollution and other safety precautions, to ensure the safety of personal and equipment.

  VIII. Complete all demonstration experiments and student experiments in the syllabus. The laboratory should be open to teachers and students, give full play to the use of equipment benefits.

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